Sunday, December 4, 2005

Who's bright idea was this???!!!

Just a quick update. I arrived in Rochester, MN at 8:30 this evening. It is 2 below zero and the wind is about 12 mph. The wind chill is -19. What am I doing here?????????


  1. You should complain to Robin and see how much sympathy you get!

  2. OK, so I just checked. Right now it is 20 above in Anchorage and -4 here. The coldest predicted for the next 5 days in Anchorage is 19 and the lowest here is -7. The warmest predicted in Anchorage for the next five days is 40 and the warmest here is 20. Heck, it isn't even supposed to get down to freezing on Wed in Anchorage! Tell Robin that if she wants to see real cold to come to MN in the winter. I think I will make a trip to AK to warm up....

  3. Just wanted to let you know it's 67 in Mesa today.

  4. It's only getting up to 68 in Winnetka today. It was below 50 when I left home this morning. Way too cold to ride the bike.

  5. Just to set the record straight, last Sunday when I left for church, it was 7 below. We are having a strange heat wave this week. (Who would've thought that I'd consider 40 a heat wave) But, for the last several weeks it's been in the single digits. I think I've figured out what "real cold" is.

  6. While we're on the subject, who in their right mind goes to Minnesota in the wintertime? I think Polar bears even stay away. ;)

  7. Interesting data. I just compared the monthly averages for high and low as well as the lowest ever recorded by month. Rochester, MN is colder on average than Anchorage every month and has a lower all time record every month.

    I'm guessing the influence of the nearby ocean moderates the temperatures in Anchorage.

    Now, the comparison with Fairbanks is a whole other matter!!!!!

  8. And I don't actually live in Anchorage. We live in Eagle River which is usually a few degrees colder than Anchorage because it is at a higher elevation and is further from the ocean. But, you are right...winters in Minnesota can be harsher than Anchorage winters.

    We are really looking forward to warming up in AZ this Christmas.

    I think the hardest part of Alaskan winters is not how cold it is, or how dark it is, but how long the winters are. It feels like it's been winter for a really long time and we're not even halfway through yet.

  9. Also, warmer weather is not always welcome here. When the temperature gets up above freezing the snow melts and what a mess! I'm trying to enjoy the 49 degree weather today but when everything is a mucky mess, it's almost not worth it.

  10. Robin -- I know exactly what you mean about the mud. When we lived in NM we had several deep snows with quick warm ups afterwards. Our driveway became impassable! I sure don't miss that.

    I'm surprised the short days do not bother you. Dianna thinks she would find that depressing. I think I would be fine with it but then I didn't grow up in the Valley of the Sun. Big change for you. You are obviously adjusting well.
